Guests of RiskLab
Name/Affiliation | Room | Phone | Period | |
Beiglböck, Mathias
TU Wien |
- | 23 Feb. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Mathias Beiglböck (TU Wien)
Invited by
Patrick Cheridito
Stay period
from 23-Feb-2017 until 23-Feb-2017
Boonen, Tim J.
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
+41 44 632 8615 | 17 - 19 May 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tim J. Boonen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 17-May-2017 until 19-May-2017
Drapeau, Samuel
Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
- | 23 - 30 Jan. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Samuel Drapeau (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Invited by
Patrick Cheridito
Stay period
from 23-Jan-2017 until 30-Jan-2017
Engelke, Sebastian
EPF Lausanne |
+41 44 632 3597 | 16 Oct. - 12 Nov. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Dr. Sebastian Engelke (EPF Lausanne)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 16-Oct-2017 until 12-Nov-2017
Hofert, Marius
University of Waterloo |
+41 44 632 3591 | 15 Sep. 2017 - 15 Mar. 2018 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Marius Hofert (University of Waterloo)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 15-Sep-2017 until 15-Mar-2018
Hurd, Tom
McMaster University |
+41 44 632 3419 | 30 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tom Hurd (McMaster University)
Invited by
Mario Valentin Wüthrich
Stay period
from 30-Jan-2017 until 1-Feb-2017
Hurd, Tom
McMaster University |
+41 44 632 8615 | 17 Apr. - 7 May 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tom Hurd (McMaster University)
Fields of interest
Financial mathematics
Invited by
Mario Valentin Wüthrich
Stay period
from 17-Apr-2017 until 7-May-2017
Kratz, Marie
ESSEC Business School |
+41 44 633 8049 | 13 - 30 Mar. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Marie Kratz (ESSEC Business School)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 13-Mar-2017 until 30-Mar-2017
Landsman, Zinoviy
University of Haifa |
+41 44 632 8615 | 18 - 21 Dec. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Zinoviy Landsman (University of Haifa)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 18-Dec-2017 until 21-Dec-2017
Liu, Fangda
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
+41 44 632 0394 | 12 - 15 Dec. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Fangda Liu (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 12-Dec-2017 until 15-Dec-2017
Matsui, Tomoko
ISM - Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
+41 44 632 6991 | 13 - 21 Nov. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tomoko Matsui (ISM - Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Invited by
Mario Valentin Wüthrich
Stay period
from 13-Nov-2017 until 21-Nov-2017
Muromachi, Yukio
Tokyo Metropolitan University |
+41 44 632 8615 | 6 - 10 Mar. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Yukio Muromachi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 6-Mar-2017 until 10-Mar-2017
Peters, Gareth
University College London |
+41 44 632 3587 | 30 Aug. 2017 - 1 Jan. 2018 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Gareth Peters (University College London)
Fields of interest
Computational statistics and methodology; Financial mathematics with a primary focus in two sub-areas (i) risk and insurance modelling and (ii) Limit Order Book models and high frequency trading; Statistical signal processing
Invited by
Mario Valentin Wüthrich
Stay period
from 30-Aug-2017 until 1-Jan-2018
Resnick, Sidney
Cornell University |
+41 44 632 3395 | 2 - 29 Apr. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Sidney Resnick (Cornell University)
Fields of interest
Applied probability
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 2-Apr-2017 until 29-Apr-2017
Schmidli, Hanspeter
Universität zu Köln |
+41 44 632 8615 | 22 May - 9 Jun. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Hanspeter Schmidli (Universität zu Köln)
Invited by
Mario Valentin Wüthrich
Stay period
from 22-May-2017 until 9-Jun-2017
Verdonck, Tim
KU Leuven |
+41 44 632 8615 | 11 - 14 Dec. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tim Verdonck (KU Leuven)
Invited by
Mario Valentin Wüthrich
Stay period
from 11-Dec-2017 until 14-Dec-2017
Wang, Ruodu
University of Waterloo |
+41 44 632 4015 | 15 Apr. - 15 Jul. 2017 | ||
Title and affiliation
Prof. Ruodu Wang (University of Waterloo)
Fields of interest
Actuarial science, quantitative methods for financial risk management and high-dimensional statistical inference
Invited by
Paul Embrechts
Stay period
from 15-Apr-2017 until 15-Jul-2017