Courses in Insurance Mathematics
The courses in insurance mathematics listed below are offered by RiskLab on a regular basis. Additionally, ETH Zurich offers a wide range of courses in financial mathematics and economics that complete a comprehensive education in actuarial science. The following links provide our recommendations.
Basic courses in insurance mathematics
- Non-Life Insurance: Mathematics and Statistics
Prof. Dr. M. Wüthrich (ETH Zurich)
external page Lecture Notes
- Life Insurance Mathematics
Prof. Dr. M. Koller (Athora)
Download Lecture Notes (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Advanced courses in insurance mathematics
- Quantitative Risk Management
Prof. Dr. P. Cheridito (ETH Zurich) and Dr. T. Fissler (ETH Zurich)
Details - Economic and Market-Consistent Actuarial Valuation
Prof. Dr. M. Wüthrich (ETH Zurich) and Dr. H.-J. Furrer (NewRe)
Download Slides "Economic Theory" (ZIP, 2.3 MB)
external page Lecture Notes "Actuarial Valuation" - Financial Risk Management in Social and Pension Insurance
Dr. P. Blum (Suva)
Download Lecture Notes (PDF, 3.4 MB) - Stochastic Loss Reserving Methods
Dr. R. Dahms (Suva)
Download Lecture Notes (PDF, 7.9 MB)
- Reinsurance Analytics
Dr. P. Arbenz (Scor)
external page Lecture Notes
- Data Science for Actuaries
Prof. Dr. M. Wüthrich (ETH Zurich) and Dr. C. Buser (AXA Winterthur)
external page Lecture Notes - Responsible Machine Learning with Insurance Applications
Dr. C. Lorentzen (Mobiliar) and Dr. M. Mayer (Mobiliar)
external page Lecture Notes - Selected Topics in Life Insurance Mathematics
Prof. Dr. M. Koller (Athora)
external page Lecture Notes - Mathematical Modeling in Life Insurance
Dr. T. Peter (ZHAW)
External Lecturers
- chevron_right Dr. Philipp Arbenz (Scor)
- chevron_right Dr. Peter Blum (Suva)
- chevron_right Dr. Christoph Buser (AXA Winterthur)
- chevron_right Dr. René Dahms (Suva)
- chevron_right Dr. Hansjörg Furrer (NewRe)
- chevron_right Prof. Dr. Michael Koller (Athora)
- chevron_right Dr. Christian Lorentzen (Mobiliar)
- chevron_right Dr. Michael Mayer (Mobiliar)
- chevron_right Dr. Tobias Peter (ZHAW)